Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 8, 2010

Eva Struble

Born 1980 in Elsmere, KY

Lives and works in Brooklyn, New York

Mountain Architecture

Oil and acrylic on canvas

84.5 x 95.5"

Eva Struble’s monumental paintings draw from the traditions of landscape,architecture, and abstraction. Taking inspiration from sources as diverse as antique Arabic miniatures and contemporary Asian construction, Struble’s motifs balance the odyssey of nature with the carefully ordered precision of design. Rendered with acidic hues and an exaggerated consideration of space and placement, Stuble’s landscapes resolve as affected dioramas, envisioning otherworldly tableaux through their compositional pastiche.

Struble approaches the act of painting itself as a physical manifestation, allowing the eclectic application of her materials to create a disorientating illusion of space: an erased void of a mountain conveys an aberrant weight, the perspective of architecture gives way to its flattened decorative patterning, skies are rendered with day-glo pop sheen, and earth swills as layers of mellifluous splotches. The physical impossibilities implied through Struble’s painterly manipulation are made believable through her inclusion of intricate detail, as blades of grass, grains of sand, and weathered dabs of rock are set within her scenes with a theatrical preciousness.

Roof Gardens

oil and acrylic on canvas

67 x 116"

To The End

Oil and acrylic on canvas

71 x 129"

Acid Mine Drainage 1

Oil and acrylic on canvas

241.3 x 411.5 cm

Struble’s most recent works, To The End and Acid Mine Drainage I, are part of her Superfund series; a collection of paintings inspired by toxic waste sites. Using this subject matter as a departure point for visual invention, Struble offers a complex paradox, merging an idealised beauty nurtured and improved with eerie transgressions of artificiality and toxicity.

nguon :

Sophie Von Hellermann

born 1975, Germany

Christo Paffgen

acrylic on canvas

185 x 145 cm

Sophie von Hellerman is a young German artist working in London. The title of the painting Christo Paffgen is the real name of Warhol protégé, Velvet Underground vocalist, and unrepentant lifelong heroin addict Nico. The 1960s icon was infamous for her sexual endeavours and drug abuse. Rather than capture Nico in all her excess von Hellermann chooses to depict her before she lost her beauty, interest in life, and eventually her death in relative obscurity, and mystery, in Ibiza in 1988.

Leading Lady

acrylic on canvas

180 x 260 cm

When He Came...

acrylicl on canvas

180 x 260 cm

on set go

acrylic on canvas

230 x 320 cm
